SUREWiSE - South Australia’s Insurance Brokerages

Looking for Pet Insurance?

By Surewise 18/12/2018

Pet Insurance in a matter of minutes!

SUREWiSE has partnered with for pet insurance and our clients can receive their first 2 months pet insurance cover for free*.

Quote Pet Insurance – Online

Quote your pet insurance online now by clicking on the logo below.

To take advantage of the promotional offer and receive your first 2 months pet insurance cover for free*, you must enter promo code SB2MF.


Looking for Pet Insurance?

Quote Pet Insurance – Telephone

To receive a pet insurance quote by telephone:

Phone: 1300 855 663

Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
8.00am to 8.00pm (AET)

To take advantage of the promotional offer and receive your first 2 months pet insurance cover for free*, you must advise the customer service representative of promo code SB2MF.

2 months Pet Insurance for Free*

*to be eligible for the ‘first 2 months pet insurance cover for free’ promotional offer, you must purchase a 12 month pet insurance policy and enter promo code SB2MF (if quoting online) or advise the customer service representative of promo code SB2MF if quoting by telephone. See website for full terms and conditions.

What SUREWiSE will earn for referring you to

SUREWiSE Pty Ltd has a current referral agreement with Pet Insurance Pty Ltd. If you purchase a pet insurance policy online at or by calling 1300 855 663, SUREWiSE Pty Ltd will receive commission that is 12.5% of your premium for new policies and 5% commission for policies which are renewed, for the life of the policy.

This news article was written by Mark Gabell for SUREWiSE  using information provided by and contains third party weblinks.

Information provided in this article is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Newmarket Grandwest Pty Ltd ACN 072 168 588 ABN 42 072 168 588 AFS License Number 296193 trading as SUREWiSE.


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