SUREWiSE - South Australia’s Insurance Brokerages

Let’s look at your Home & Contents Insurance

By Surewise 27/09/2018

Owning or buying a home is likely to be one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make so it makes sense to protect your home with the right insurance policy. Whether you own your own home or are renting, you should also insure your contents.  Can you really afford to replace everything you own if something went wrong?

It makes good sense to help protect your home &/or contents with a quality insurance policy, backed up by the support of your SUREWiSE broker who will help ensure you have the right type of cover for your individual needs. Our team of qualified and experienced insurance brokers can explain the differences in the insurance policies available to you and also seek flood cover if required.

When was the last time you reviewed your home & contents insurance policy? Are you covered what you think you are? Don’t leave it to chance – speak to the team at SUREWiSE today.

Case Study

Monica and Thomas moved into their new home after recently getting engaged. They turned to their SUREWiSE broker for guidance on the replacement cost of rebuilding their home and replacing their contents to ensure they had appropriate levels of cover.

Just two weeks after moving in, extreme weather conditions resulted in a large tree crashing down into their home causing absolute destruction.

They successfully claimed on their newly acquired home insurance policy, had their home rebuilt and their damaged furniture and contents replaced.

Residential re-building calculator

We have access to a third party residential re-building calculator which can help guide you with setting a realistic sum insured for the replacement of your home.

Contents replacement calculator

We have access to a third party calculator to assist you with setting a realistic sum insured for your contents.

Home & Contents Insurance Fact Sheet

Download our Home & Contents Insurance Fact Sheet or contact us for further information.

Flexible payment options

When it comes to paying for your insurance, we can offer a range of payment options to help improve your cash flow.

Not all insurance policies are the same

Not all insurance policies are the same and you usually get what you pay for. It’s a case of “buyer beware”. We compare the differences between insurance policies which helps us arrange the most appropriate insurance policy for you and provide you with the right advice, allowing you to make an informed decision.

Access to more insurers

We have access to a wide range of insurers, including those who don’t deal with the general public. This provides more options for your consideration and helps ensure you can receive the best level of cover available.

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

There’s so much to take into consideration when deciding which policy best suits your specific needs and requirements. Contact our team of qualified and experienced insurance brokers today for the right insurance cover and the right advice.

Request a Quote

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  • What type of insurance are you interested in?
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  • When is the best time for one of our brokers to contact you?
  • Are you an existing SUREWiSE client?
  • If you are an existing SUREWiSE client, what is your client code (refer to your invoice)?
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  • By ticking the box below, you acknowledge and agree this is a contact request only for the purpose of obtaining information from you to seek insurance quotes on your behalf. You further acknowledge and agree this specific request will not be not considered a request to arrange an insurance policy on your behalf. You also agree to be contacted by a representative of SUREWiSE Pty Ltd to discuss your specific insurance needs.
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Information provided in this article is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Newmarket Grandwest Pty Ltd ACN 072 168 588 ABN 42 072 168 588 AFS License Number 296193 trading as SUREWiSE.

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