SUREWiSE - South Australia’s Insurance Brokerages

Get to Know Jake Fehlberg

By Surewise 31/05/2018

At SUREWiSE, we think it’s a great idea for you to meet our team.

SUREWiSE is made up of a large team of insurance professionals who all work together to protect our client’s and their assets. Throughout your interactions with our organisation, you probably won’t get to meet everyone so this is just one way we can introduce our team to you.

In this article, let’s get to know Jake Fehlberg.

Jake Fehlberg

Born in Adelaide, South Australia, Jake has a sister 3 years younger than him who currently lives in Canada.

Jake joined SUREWiSE in 2017 with no prior insurance experience but possessed a desire and the determination for a career in the insurance industry. Jake previously worked in the hospitality and retail industry before joining an information technology company’s administration team.

In his time with SUREWiSE, Jake has displayed great enthusiasm for learning about insurance and displayed a keen interest in working in our claims team. Today, Jake is a Claims Executive and has learned many skills, has undertaken formal studies and continues to learn each and every day. With the support of his colleagues and knowing where to find information, Jake has proven to be a valuable member of the Steadfast Breckock team.

What do you like most about working in the insurance industry?
Jake explained that he loves learning about insurance, understanding how it works and understanding how to look for ways to get claims paid. The depthness required and keeping his mind active are important to Jake.

What do you like most about working at SUREWiSE?
“Working within a supportive team where everyone works together and helps each other” is how Jake quickly responded to this question.

What is the most challenging aspect you have found so far working in the insurance industry?
Jake understands that knowledge and the application of his newly acquired knowledge is paramount but he loves the challenge and the opportunity for continued learning which he finds interesting. Although challenging at times, Jake enjoys problem solving and negotiating favourable outcomes for clients. He pointed out that he knows where to look for information if he doesn’t know the answer.

What are your hobbies and interests?
Jake enjoys cooking and often looks for recipes online then attempts to cook them. That is, anything from cooking a nice steak to baking custard profiteroles. He also likes playing computer games in his spare time and enjoys team orientated, multi-player online games. His favourite game is ‘Player Unknown Battle Grounds’. Although he doesn’t play any sports himself, he likes to relax by watching soccer and the AFL. Jake’s preferred AFL team is the Adelaide Crows.

Where have you travelled?
Jake loves to travel and experience different cultures. He has travelled to Indonesia, Japan, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Europe (Greece, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands), Canada, Mexico and the USA (major cities East to West and spent 2 months in the USA).

What are you future travel aspirations?
Jake would like to travel to Scandinavia, South America, Africa, China and Italy. In fact, he is jet-setting to Russia and Paris in June 2018 for the World Cup!

Where would you like to travel to if you could have a month-long holiday, and why?
Italy is where Jake would like to travel to if he could take a month-long holiday because he hasn’t been there before, it’s where his grandparents are from, it looks beautiful and he is currently learning to speak Italian.

What is your favourite food?
Although he took some time to narrow down his answer to this questions, Jake went with a t-bone steak and a pasta from his nonna.

What is your favourite restaurant?
Jake advised, “I can’t remember the name of my favourite restaurant but it was a mediterranean restaurant near Balos Beach in Crete, Greece”.

What is your favourite movie?
Unable to select just one, Jake advised his favourite movies are ‘Batman The Dark Knight’, ‘The Matrix’ and ‘Inception’.

Who is your favourite actor or actress?
Leonardo DiCaprio.

What is your favourite book?
‘Leading’ by Alex Ferguson.

Who is your favourite Author?
J K Rowling.

What motivates you?
Jake is motivated by enjoying life and success.  Success to Jake means being able to strive to achieve his personal goals he has set himself.

What is important to you in life?
Family, friends, work and self enjoyment are all important to Jake.

What makes you want to get out of bed each morning?
Being able to enjoy work and working towards achieving his goals.

What makes you happy?
Jake is happy when he is able to make time for his interests and hobbies as well as when he meets work deadlines and receiving positive feedback from clients.

Is there something unusual about yourself you care to share?
Jake explained that, “Unusual is the way I generally go about my life. I am out of the ordinary. For example, my wardrobe ranges from suits to shirts with pineapples on them”.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
In 5 years time, Jake would like to be managing a team or at the very least, hold a senior role within the insurance industry.

Perhaps now you might have something in common with Jake next time you chat. To speak directly with Jake, please call him on 08 8413 6302 or email A reminder that you can also schedule a Skype video call with Jake if that’s more convenient for you.


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