SUREWiSE - South Australia’s Insurance Brokerages

Don’t sign that contract!

By Surewise 8/02/2019

Do you really know what you’re signing?

Don’t get caught under-insured or worse, not insured at all because you’ve signed a contract which contains a hold-harmless clause. You’d be amazed at how many people don’t read or fully understand the contracts they are signing which can potentially cost you more than you think!

Did you know?

As a client of SUREWiSE, our team of expert insurance professionals can arrange for the review of a contract’s indemnity and insurance clauses before you sign a contract.

You’ll get to know up front if the contract is going to impact your public liability &/or professional indemnity insurance coverage. You will also be provided with written advice containing suggested drafting changes to the proposed contract.

This service, available to clients of SUREWiSE has been extremely beneficial but does not substitute the expertise of a legal consultant or lawyer.

We also have a number of contractual liability tip sheets available for you to download on our Information Resources page.

Contact your SUREWiSE Account Manager

Without delay, speak to your SUREWiSE Account Manager about this service otherwise, you could find yourself in this midst of a financial mess. You can find your Account Manager’s contact details on the Our Team page.

Need an insurance quote?

For professional advice and to request an insurance quote, click on the ‘Get A Quote’ link below to provide us with your details and one of our qualified & experienced insurance brokers will contact you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, contact us today on 1800 273 256 to speak to an insurance expert.


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This article was written by SUREWiSE.

Information provided in this article is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Newmarket Grandwest Pty Ltd ACN 072 168 588 ABN 42 072 168 588 AFS License Number 296193 trading as SUREWiSE.


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