SUREWiSE - South Australia’s Insurance Brokerages

Not For Profit & Association Insurance

Insurance for Not For Profits & Associations

Not For Profit organisations and Associations operate in a tough area of our community and often struggle to reach their goals and make a difference. They’re also not immune to legal action or being taken advantage of. That’s just one of the many reasons Not For Profits and Associations (including their people) need to be adequately protected by a quality insurance program.

That’s right, even board members and senior managers need to be protected as they can be held personally liable for their actions or failure to act in certain circumstances.

Speak to our team of qualified and experienced insurance brokers who know and understand the Not For Profit and Associations sector. We will be able to guide you and recommend to you the insurance covers you need.

We can provide solutions for a range of organisations which may include:

  • Charitable Organisations
  • Care Facilities
  • Educational Institutions
  • Faith Organisations
  • Community Groups
  • Associations
  • Social & Recreational Clubs
  • Welfare Organisations
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Among Others

Flexible payment options

When it comes to paying for your insurance, we can offer a range of payment options to help improve your cash flow.

Not all insurance policies are the same

Not all insurance policies are the same and you usually get what you pay for. It’s a case of “buyer beware”. We compare the differences between insurance policies which helps us arrange the most appropriate insurance policy for you and provide you with the right advice, allowing you to make an informed decision.

Access to more insurers

We have access to a wide range of insurers, including those who don’t deal with the general public. This provides more options for your consideration and helps ensure you can receive the best level of cover available.

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

There’s so much to take into consideration when deciding which policy best suits your specific needs and requirements. Contact our team of qualified and experienced insurance brokers today for the right insurance cover and the right advice.

Need an insurance quote?

For professional advice and to request an insurance quote, click on the ‘Get A Quote’ link below to provide us with your details and one of our qualified & experienced insurance brokers will contact you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, contact us today on 1800 273 256 to speak to an insurance expert.



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