SUREWiSE - South Australia’s Insurance Brokerages

Insurance Brokers Code of Practice

Code Subscription

SUREWiSE subscribes to the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice. The code aims to building professional competence in the broking profession and increase consumer confidence in insurance brokers, and the role they place in the insurance process.

Code Commitment

The code commits brokers to:

  • high standards of customer service;
  • a free and transparent complaints and compliance review process; and
  • abide by any binding sanctions imposed on us under the Code for any breach.

Our Commitment

SUREWiSE will:

  • comply with all relevant law
  • transparently manage any conflicts of interest that may arise
  • clearly tell you if we do not act for you
  • clearly tell you about the scope of our covered services
  • discharge our duties diligently, competently, fairly and with honesty and integrity
  • clearly tell you how our Covered Services are paid for before we provide them and answer any questions you have
  • handle any money received in accordance with relevant law and any agreement with you
  • ensure that we and our representatives are competent and adequately trained to provide the relevant services and will maintain this competence
  • response to catastrophes and disasters in a timely, professional, and compassionate manner in conjunction with any industry-wide response
  • ensure that we have an internal complaints and disputes handling process that meets the Code Complaints and Dispute process standards
  • support NIBA in promoting the Code and make information on the Code (including how to make a complaint) and our Covered Services readily available to you
  • not engage in activity or inactivity that is reasonably likely to bring the insurance broking profession into disrepute


Further Information About the Code

For further information about the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice, visit or contact NIBA directly on (02) 9459 4300.

Request a Call Back

To request a call back from one of our qualified and experienced insurance brokers, please click on the ‘Request A Call Back’ link below to provide us with your contact details. We’ll call you back as soon as possible.

Alternatively, contact us today on 1800 273 256 to speak to an insurance expert.



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